Photographs from 'The Falcon' 1980</i>

Photographs from The Falcon 1980

Although 1980 marked the end of the bush war and a resurgence of hope in the country, the events reported in the magazine of that year related largely to what had taken place the year before, 1979.  There were some milestones recorded: 25 years at the College for Dougal and Jill Turner, as well as the retirement of Ted Adlard who, with his wife Joy, had been at the College for 15 years.  The frontispiece was courtesy of The Herald, and would have been a photograph taken at the 1979 Speech Day.


The College Prefects, 1979.


Several of my own photographs featured in this issue, and many of them can be seen in colour in other sections of these web pages. Below we have Founders' Day, 1979 (This and other colour photographs of Founders' Day 1979 can be found here).


Ann and I decided to put on a Hervey House play, Terence Rattigan's The Winslow Boy.  As you will see in the photographs below, we were very lucky to have the help of Jill Reeve-Johnson for costumes and props.  (Colour photographs of the production can be found here.)

Above, Charles Richards as Richard Winslow; below, Peter Wright as Arthur Winslow, Andrew Stobart as Catherine Winslow, and William Maberly as Grace Winslow.

Below, John Hopkins as Ronnie Winslow, Guy Werner as Desmond Curry, and John Marais as Sir Robert Morton.


Aerial view of the College: at the top, the road to Essexvale (Esigodini) with the Oval and San Field.  Swimming Bath Hill is off left.  The Music School and Chapel can be seen lower left.


Roy Ashby and Gordon Macdonald at Todd's Motel on the way to Beit Bridge. Although we weren't supposed to be photographing these military operations, my camera accompanied me a few times!  (Colour photographs of the war years can be found here.)

Below, a ballot box is sealed at the close of voting, while Gordon Macdonald and Tony Davey light up.  (Colour photographs of the Muzorewa elections can be found here.)


The 1979 team photographs followed.  While girls had featured in 1978, sadly that co-educational venture was soon abandoned when numbers started to pick up again.


In 1979 Roy and Alison Ashby took long leave and sailed from Cape Town to the West Indies in the yacht "Sitra".  On board Roy was First Mate and Alison was General Hand.  Roy wrote an article for The Falcon and contributed several photographs which appear below.


In May 1979 The Chamber of Mines Journal featured an article on the Bushtick Mine, from its registration in 1908 to its final demise in 1952.  Two historical photographs accompanied the article, to which we added one more.

Bushtick Mine in 1918.

Open Cast mining in 1918.

Abseiling in 1979.


Finally there were the Exploration Society photographs from the 1979 expedition to Klipfontein Farm near Vaalwater.

A vulture colony was nesting in the Waterberg escarpment.


A vulture was found, too weak to take off, and it was given a shot of terramycin by Ted Marais.  The bird was christened Gary II (see The Falcon of 1979 for the report on the first "Gary" vulture captured).  It was taken to Nthabazimbi to hand over to a vet, but there was no vet there and Gary II escaped through an open window in the Land Rover shortly afterwards.  I think that is Nico van Wyk at the back, and Gilly Marais with her hand on Gary II's wing.  And is that Andrew Stewart partly hidden on the right of Nico? 


Wolf Spider with young on its back.


Welwitsch's Hairy Bat.


A spore print from one of the macrofungi collected.



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